Karma Izzabish Michaels

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An introduction? I came in like a wrecking ball. Even the Kool-Aide man wasn't happy that I stole his spotlight.

Monday, July 25, 2022


How incredibly odd. Suddenly every man on the planet wants to go back to being monogamous, at least the ones I'm meeting.  Proclaiming they want to settle down, and be married, possibly even start families.  

It's the words every woman dies to hear.  The new sexual revolution has already begun. Where lying, and cheating, have been trending, with no real future forecast of mending, our old morals and beliefs.  Men suddenly want women to obey, cook, clean, laundry, dust vacuum, and to be his willing submissive.  A sexual obedient, Trump style whore on command.  

Wanting to take it so far back to the olden days, that one Rodney Prosser aka Rodney Daniels. Thought he could tell me when it was time to go to sleep!  He wanted to be treated like a king, shower him, shave him, massage him, kiss on him, and sexually satisfy him orally, anally, and vaginally.  He even went to the extent of attempting to use my addiction against me, by informing me that I was "tweeking" Stating I wasn't in my right frame of mind.  I found it very comical, considering he had also relapsed, on his alcohol addiction, after coming out of the exact same rehab facility that I had attended. Not to mention the booze he had just purchased for us both.  

I will say it is completely and absolutely comical to watch them give it the good old college try. 

 Us women who have came leaps and bounds, to gain all our rights. Then the government thinking they could slowly strip them away.  Acting like we were to stupid to catch on!

(You falsely imprisoned me for 66 days over minor verbal arguments.  A man that bombed an apartment complex was out in 3 weeks or less.  Gee whiz #Willie bombing towers didn't get him a terroristic threat charge?  Like I got for grabbing a knife to protect myself in my own home?  Good to know!)  (THE KNIFE IM REFRENCING WAS A STEAK KNIFE WHEN PATRICK MAIN TRESSPASSED, THE RECORD THEY SEALED OF MY TERRORISTIC SO CALLED THREAT.)  THE BODY CAMS NOT WORKING THE NIGHT OF ERICS FALSE ALLEGATIONS WILL STILL BE REQUIRED TO SURFACE...ODDLY ENOUGH THEY HAVE!)

 I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is definitely too little, too late.  Well for me it is anyways.  I never could have survived back in the day, when women didn't have rights. I basically have never ever had my rights, and still stood up to them till the bitter fucking end.  You could not revert me even in death.  I have been so disrespected, by men, women, cops, judges, white men in power, white women in power, black men who believed, I had some hidden agenda, and last but not least our fucking government, and our presidents!  (IT IZZA SO CUTE HOW THEYRE TAKING MY BLOGS TO IMPLY IVE COMMITED SUICIDE.  LOL...ANDREAS FAULT,  TENISHA SAID BYE FELICIA, & LISA WHO LIES, WASNT EXPECTING THAT I HAVE AN AUDIO SURPRISE, AND FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY FROM PAPARAZZI GOING DOWN IN THE ENTRANCE HALL...I PRAY THEY DIDN'T FORGE MY NAME. SMH!)

The words submit,  respect, or even obey. Currently arent in my vocabulary.  #TOLERATE is currently the only word that comes to mind. When it comes to the vile pieces of shit, that took my voice away, my children's voice away, and other victims voices away. 

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