Karma Izzabish Michaels

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An introduction? I came in like a wrecking ball. Even the Kool-Aide man wasn't happy that I stole his spotlight.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


Your cock isn't fat!  It's all a hazmat.


He said smoke outside! The cops will see, then arrest little ole thee!

Raped then fled. Trust and believe the one whom you wed. That marriage will be layed to bed, big head!

Cook and clean?  Naw I lean.  All your lies, and broken laws, are no match for Karmageddons Klaws. 

Your lazy eye, became our alien spy.  Next time! Please look at me eye to eye, focus please.  

You should have trusted your gut.  How did my previous dates dick taste? You sure did smile.  Then a cash offer for sex, another fucking government flex. 

Daniel Prosser!  All clients names were posted outside our rooms for my benefit!  If you wanted to be part of  "THE KARLA KITTY SHOW" All you needed to do was simply ask. Riding coat tails, being a brand demander, isn't cool!  Along with being a hostess of a world wide live stream.  You also have to be an expert in social media surveilance, you also need to have a masters degree in common sense!

So with that being said.  Your simply dead to me, alien man with no actual plan!

So much to tell about this place. Crawling with nothing but cocky closet addicts.  One AA speaker telling us that fighting the addiction, attempting to get sober, lead her to cutting herself wishing for death.  As she's telling this story tears streaming down her face, you could clearly tell, that pretending to be clean while promoting sobriety was getting the best of her conscious.  At some point I stood up and informed her that that didn't seem very inspiring to make someone want to quit.  As a matter of fact it inspired somebody that was already craving, to want to go kill themselves, because they suffered as harshly as she did.

The next speaker is comparing strawberries and beer.  Telling people that he's allergic to strawberries and that if he eats them, he can become deathly ill, the same way that alcohol does to him and other addicts.  Once again I had to stand up and remind everybody in the class that everybody reacts differently to different types of drugs and alcohol and whatnot.  Reminding everybody that some people CAN eat strawberries, were even told that they're extremely healthy for us, for the vitamin nutritional value that they carry.  Some handle booze better than others, then someone can drink a half a can and end up vomiting every where!

I know these people did not like me there, and I really don't give a fuck!  Every time I made them look stupid, they thought that they would have some great little comeback, and each time, I still made them look dumb!  

There was only one that actually supported me, and everything that I said, she wished me the extreme best, for all that Ive had to invest, and told me to keep doing what I was doing. She was an amazing woman who understood addiction.  I think better than anybody there!  No matter what someone thought, or felt, or said, she never devalued them, and let them be heard out, and that's what she represented!  I do believe the #angel that impacted my life in #Vegace may have kept her wing over me in #Nebraska #TheShurrellWoman #MSBRIGETTE

The owner of Inroads recovery is a foreigner.  Not a legal foreigner either.  #YW

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