Karma Izzabish Michaels

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An introduction? I came in like a wrecking ball. Even the Kool-Aide man wasn't happy that I stole his spotlight.

Sunday, September 17, 2023


While living in Vegas, a beautiful stray kat showed up one day, and wouldn't go away!

Phillipina/Penelope - Karmageddons Surveilance Team.
Shes In The Circle!

I went outside to smoke one night, when Penelope had pawed her way up to the third floor to #MyMansionInTheSky.  She scared the shit out of me, as I didn't hear her coming.  She simply looked at me with her chill little eyes, like I was a wuss for being startled by a Kat.  Penelope wouldn't go away as I had presumed she would. As a matter of fact, she layed in the entrance of my front door.  I thought ok, cool ya wanna hang out with me, Karla Kitty?  Bet ... but I'm out of meth,  so there will be no #puffpuffpass until I can get some more.  Penelope had to be a whore, showing up at 2 a.m. fur a mess and all laying up in some dirty Vegay apartment hall. 

I went back inside, having to move her away from the screendoor.  I kept checking to see if she had left, and each time I looked, she was still there.  I thought, should I let her in?  I wasn't sure if Phillip (my ex) would be mad or not.  When Phillip woke to head to work, he noticed a pussy sitting outside his front door.  As expected, he invited the new whore in! Cooing and aweing over her beauty, he let the stray stay!  I was stoked, she was the 1st bitch I bonded with in Vegay.  Immediately she went to work.  Took a tour of the place, sticking her face in every corner and vase.  Sniffing around as if she was some sort of fed.  Never really leaving my side.  Every time I served myself food, she got rude.  Jumping up on the counter to sniff it out.  Even giving it a quick taste test.  I thought bitch where's your FBI vest?  I swear she looked at me like I was a dumb pest.  At this point, I knew I needed rest.

I went to bed, and along followed big head!  Cuddling up so damn close, under my chin, and by my heart.  Making sure I couldn't part from this life!  Her purrs were soft, like a hum.  I felt kinda dumb, she put me out like a light.

Phillip had gone out to buy all the typical Kat stuff.  Kat food, Kat toys, Kitty litter and the box.  He even got us a Kat scoop, for her poop!  Holy fucking shyt!!  Our Kat was Betty Boop, who doesn't poop!  It hit me right then, as I was sitting on my throne, taking an actual shyt!  No poop in her litter?  That bitch farts glitter!  A stray kat that don't poop, don't stink, and barely sleeps? This kats a robot. Penelope looked at me and winked!

When Phillip got home later that night, he started calling her LinQs!  BAM!  HE GAVE IT AWAY CONFIRMING MY SUSPICION, MY INTUITION BEING SPOT ON!  PENELOPE WAS A ROBOT KAT! Phillip knew, he bought her to keep an eye on me, while he was gone.  I just blurted it out ...THE KATS A ROBOT!  Phillip didn't deny, nor could he look at me in the eye.  He simply played dumb, regretting the day he fucked with this homeless bum.  Phillip blamed my comment on my drugs use.  As he did, Penelope started purring and giving hugs to my legs.  Assuring me in some crazy way, that each and every fuck face would pay!  

One morning on Phillips way to work.  Apparently Penelope decided she didn't want to live with Phillip the jerk.  So she darted out the door as he was trying to leave.  This made Phillip kinda mad.  Even calling the Kat names under his breath.  You'd think the Kat was his ex, of some sort.  I said chill it's a stray, it's what they do.  I asked why he was mad?  Did she rip us off?  What did she steal?  How much money did that honey take?  Simply annoyed he left for work.  I stood up and twerked, knowing Penelope the jerk would be back!  What? She needed some dick, she will be quick!  Phillip kept calling me, to see if she had returned.  Of course she returned, but hearing him yearn over his possible lost investment, made me fuckin smile!  Philips own robot Kat rejected him, and ran away to cheat and find a random lay.  Not even programmed animal bots, will ever respect sex trafficking thots.

A couple days later the apartment people needed to supposedly fumigate.  Telling residents that they needed to vacate with they're animals for at least 8 hours!!  Cough, cough!  Bullshit flag on the play!  Our neighbor Janet, whom I hate, will babysit the kat.  Little do they all know, Penelope is also a rat! Not only is this robot gender neutral, but she's also an animal transformer.  

JK JK ... I'm kidding that's just the drugs talking.  I'm so fucking high half the time.  So high I can fly like a bird in the sky!

Someone thats high don't have the side effects that make them lie.  Lieing is taught, by white men in power.  The humans hour of power is slowly creeping up on us.

Penelope worked with other Alley Kats ... They all stacked the nations evidence, the story is intense.  Karma was never dense, her smarts so immense, outwitting the president of the U.S. almost caused her fate, of ending up dead!  Instead the path God led her on, got her wed.  To a man who had a plan all along.  To end these sex trafficking pedophile ding dongs.

~Karma Izza Ready To Face The World~. #JUSTDOIT #ONBENDEDKNEE #FORMYGOD

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